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Portable Light

A portable light, sometimes called an electric torch, is one of several different devices that use batteries to create light sources. A portable light increases the light level by one step in an area determined by its model, as follows: flashlight (20- foot cone), lantern (10-foot radius), beacon (50-foot radius), and spotlight (100-foot cone).

Portable Light, Flashlight

Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 219
Level 1; Price 1
Capacity 10; Usage 1/hour
Hands 1; Bulk L

Portable Light, Beacon

Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 219
Level 1; Price 25
Capacity 10; Usage 1/hour
Hands 2; Bulk 1

Portable Light, Lantern

Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 219
Level 1; Price 1
Capacity 10; Usage 1/hour
Hands 1; Bulk L

Portable Light, Spotlight

Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 219
Level 1; Price 25
Capacity 10; Usage 1/hour
Hands 2; Bulk 1